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Your ArchWell Health center is so much more than a medical center. It’s a gathering place where you can enjoy a variety of activities while connecting with other seniors in your community. Drop by and see what’s happening at your local center. And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on all our events!

Stay active and connected with classes, game days, and more.

From chair yoga and Zumba to art classes and game days, we host plenty of activities to keep you moving and connecting with others. And you don’t even have to be an ArchWell Health member to join in the fun! Search below, and we’re sure you’ll find something that’s right up your alley.

What’s happening at ArchWell Health?

Seniors in your community have discovered a world of exciting activities and events at ArchWell Health! Our calendar is chock full of fun events like bingo, BUNCO, holiday parties, and more. As you can see, there’s always something going on at your ArchWell Health center.

Follow us on social media!

Stay current with the latest news and happenings at your local ArchWell Health center.

Community 02 Partners

Community partners: serving seniors across the U.S.

Connection goes beyond a visit to the doctor's office. ArchWell Health centers partner with organizations, like food and employment assistance, to support you and serve your local community. Discover ArchWell Health partners in your area for resources or opportunities to volunteer.

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What's happening at ArchWell Health?

Hear about things going on at ArchWell Health in your community and across the country from our community of subject matter experts.

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Seniors Making Smoothies

ArchWell Health Announces Partnership with Healthy Living Norman

  • 5 minute read
  • News and Media
Older Adults Hobbies

How to Start a New Hobby or Adapt an Old One

  • 5 minute read
  • Community
Dreamstime l 18931443

Taking Baby Aspirin Daily: The Pros and Cons for Those 60+

  • 5 minute read
  • Heart Health
Community 03 Everything You Need

Everything you need to know about Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage plans can be overwhelming. There are many to choose from, each with its own benefits and costs. The plans and enrollment deadlines might be difficult to understand. Determining which health plan to participate in is a decision that can have a big impact on your health. We do our best to help make it easier. That includes helping connect you with Medicare Advantage information and tools.

  1. Take me to Medicare Advantage 101

Become an ArchWell Health member today!

Joining is easy! Before you know it, chair yoga will be calling your name! While you do not need to be a member to attend an activity or class at ArchWell Health, you do need to be a Member to schedule an appointment. Just click the link below to get started.

  1. Sign up now