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Learn How to Get Four Free COVID-19 Tests

    • October 30, 2023
    • Disease Prevention and Treatment

You can now order four at home COVID-19 tests for free for your household. The tests will be mailed directly to your house and can easily detect if you are positive for COVID-19. 

Simply visit https://special.usps.com/testkits to order your tests today. 

At home tests are a great way to conveniently test for illness and prevent transmitting COVID-19 to your loved ones. COVID-19 tests have proven to be a reliable way to determine if you are sick and an important tool in fighting the pandemic. Experts say at home COVID-19 tests catch the virus at least 80% of the time when someone is sick.

Getting a positive test result is also the first step to treating the COVID-19 virus. At-risk older adults with a heart or lung condition are particularly prone to hospitalization with the virus. If you test positive your doctor may recommend treatments like Paxlovid to help your body fight the virus.

If you do receive a positive at home COVID test, call ArchWell Health to talk to your provider about ways to stay out of the hospital and make a quick recovery from the virus.

The at home COVID-19 tests being sent to households this year will detect the newest COVID variants that will spread this winter. COVID-19 test developers like Todd Merchak, co-leader of the Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) program at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have said COVID-19 tests were made to be able to pick up the virus as it develops throughout the years. “We tried to build robust tests early on,” Merchak stated in an interview with Health.com.

You can also use an at home COVID test to detect the virus even if you don’t have symptoms. If you know you were exposed to the virus, taking an at home test before seeing other friends and family, or going to the doctor’s office is a great way to stop the spread of the virus.

Remember: The Centers for Disease Control suggests you take an at home COVID-19 test 5 days after you were exposed to the virus.

Last year the federal government also provided four free tests to every household in the United States. The good news is if you ordered tests last year, you can still receive four free tests this year!

You can learn more about at home tests and the federal governments free test program here: https://www.covid.gov/tests

Older adults should also protect themselves and their loved ones against COVID-19 this year by receiving the newest COVID-19 vaccination. Receiving your COVID shot is the best way to protect yourself from getting sick and if you do catch COVID-19, getting your COVID-19 shot makes you more likely to have a mild case. This means less long term-side effects and lower risk of hospitalization. ArchWell Health centers across the country are providing COVID-19 shots and flu shots to members now! Call your center to set up your appointment today.

Order your four free COVID-19 tests today: https://special.usps.com/testkits

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