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Leading the Pack: Exercise as You Age

    • junio 3, 2024
    • Bienestar
    • 4 Leer minuto

As an older adult, regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Keeping your body moving offers many benefits that contribute to overall well-being as you age. Let’s dive into why exercise matters for seniors:

Why should I exercise?

Keep your strength and balance.

Exercise can help you maintain your strength and balance so that you can keep living independently and prevent falls as you age. Weight-bearing activities (such as walking or light weightlifting) help maintain bone density and reduce the risk of fractures.

Maintain a healthy weight and blood pressure.

Regular exercise is an important put of maintaining a healthy weight. Managing your weight will reduce your risk of developing disease and help reduce stress on your joints and bones as you age. Regular exercise can also lower your blood pressure.

Prevent disease.

Exercise lowers your risk of heart disease and heart attacks, enhancing overall cardiovascular function. It improves your risk of diabetes, stroke and more.

Reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

Research shows that moderate exercise can boost your mood, relieve stress, and even reduce symptoms of depression. Exercise helps your muscles grow stronger, allowing you to maintain your day-to-day activities supporting your overall quality of life – an important part of your mental health.

How do I exercise safely?

The key to staying safe when beginning an exercise routine is to slowly build from your current fitness level. A steady rate of progress is better than over-exercising and risking injury.

Focus on these safety precautions when exercising:

  • Drink plenty of water to prepare for your workout
  • Warm up before exercising and cool down afterward
  • Discuss your workout plan and reach out to your ArchWell Health provider if you have specific health care conditions
  • Wear comfortable footwear and appropriate fitness clothing for your activity

How should I exercise?

The center for Disease Control says adults over 65 should:

  • Complete at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity activity. This includes walking at a brisk pace around your neighborhood, jogging, taking a Zumba class, playing pickleball or tennis, and more.
  • Choose two days to do an activity that builds strength. This includes yoga, stretching, using resistance bands, and doing light weightlifting. Check out this workout plan you can utilize at home!

Tip: Add activities that improve balance like standing on one foot or walking backwards into your weekly routine.

Visit your ArchWell Health center to talk about lifestyle changes and how to implement exercise catered to you.

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