There are six ArchWell Health centers in the State of Missouri
At ArchWell Health, we are dedicated to providing seniors across Missouri with top-quality healthcare services that are personalized to meet your unique needs. Our approach to healthcare is holistic, focusing on your overall well-being and ensuring that you receive the care and attention you deserve. Whether you're in St. Louis, Kansas City, or any of our other Missouri locations, ArchWell Health is here to help you stay healthy, active, and thriving.
Find the best locations for Missouri

Comprehensive Primary Care Tailored for Missouri Seniors
In Missouri, our primary care services are designed specifically for seniors, offering personalized care that addresses your individual health needs. At ArchWell Health, we believe that primary care should be more than just treating illnesses—it should be about building a partnership with you to maintain your health and well-being. Our team of dedicated healthcare professionals takes the time to understand your medical history, lifestyle, and health goals, ensuring that your care plan is tailored to your specific needs.
Join the ArchWell Health Missouri Community
Choosing ArchWell Health means joining a community that is committed to your health and well-being. We are here to support you throughout your healthcare journey, offering the care, resources, and guidance you need to live a healthier, happier life. Whether you’re new to Missouri or have been here for years, we invite you to discover the ArchWell Health difference. Our team is ready to help you achieve your health goals, starting with your first appointment. Explore the comprehensive services we offer and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your health is in good hands at ArchWell Health Missouri.
步骤 1:
请在下表中输入您的信息,然后点击 "提交"。护理团队的成员将与您联系,为您安排合适的时间。欢迎随时致电预约参观。我们很乐意带您参观!
希望与人交谈?请浏览离您最近的 ArchWell 健康中心:
步骤 2:
请提前 15 分钟到达新会员预约地点,并携带以下物品:
- 驾驶执照或州身份证
- 医疗保险卡
- 现有处方药瓶
- 您目前使用的非处方药(眼药水、吸入器、外用药、补充剂等)清单
- 您目前的医疗专家名单
每位会员的情况不同,预约时间也可能不同。请预留 45-80 分钟的时间完成以下工作。
- 登记 (10-30 分钟)
如果尚未完成,我们的护理团队将帮助您完成新会员文件。他们还会让您签署一份记录公开同意书,允许我们向您之前的医疗服务提供者索取记录。 - 筛查问题* (15-25 分钟)
根据您的需要,您将与护理团队的医疗助理或注册护士会面。如果您有心脏病史,他们可能会为您做化验或心电图检查。 - 与您的主治医生会面(首次就诊平均需要 40 分钟)。
* 如果 您更喜欢看团队中的男性或女性成员,请告诉我们。我们会尽力满足您的要求。根据您所在社区目前的 COVID 传播水平,我们可能会要求您在当地的 ArchWell 健康中心佩戴口罩。如果传播水平较低,则不会要求您戴口罩。
步骤 3: