Games 3

Puzzles & Pie

  • February 21, 2024 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • 921 W Owens Ave , Ste 150
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89106
  • 游戏

Join us for puzzles & pies hosted by ArchWell Health Central.

Puzzles, board games, card games and other group activities like these are beneficial for people of all ages! Besides providing a fun activity to keep busy, game play has health benefits such as stress relief, improved brain function, mental health, motor skills, and overall happiness. Enjoy a delicious slice of pie while talking with

your neighbors and learn more about each other. During game events our members build community and create meaningful relationships that extend beyond the ArchWell Health center.

ArchWell Health can help coordinate transportation to this class, if needed. Take part in this no cost activity and meet individuals just like you!

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