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Improving Balance and Preventing Falls as You Age

    • 六月 3, 2024
    • 整体健康
    • 6 分钟阅读

If you find yourself struggling to balance, this can be a side effect of the normal aging process and can often get worse as you get older. Falls are a major health problem, as approximately thirty two percent of adults 65+ experience falls every year.

Having a good balance helps prevent further injuries and is crucial for seniors to maintain independence. ArchWell Health is here with these tips that can help keep you moving and grooving as you age.

Have a regular exercise routine: Physical activity is an important part of healthy aging. Exercises strengthening your knees, hips and legs are the best way to keep your balance as you age. Here are some effective balance exercises you can incorporate into your routine:

Single Leg Balance:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Extend your arms out to the sides.
  • Slowly lift your right knee up off the floor.
  • Straighten your leg in front of you and hold that position for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat for both legs at least three times.

Tightrope Walk:

  • Find a straight line (you can use tape or the lines between flooring tiles).
  • Extend your arms out to the sides.
  • Walk slowly along the line, always keeping your feet on it.
  • Imagine you are walking a tightrope.
  • Choose a destination and walk toward it.

Do these balance exercises at least three times a week to improve your balance.

Review your medications

Talk to your provider if you notice balance problems while taking certain medications. Ask if other medications can be used as an alternative, if the dosage can be safely reduced, or if there are other ways to reduce unwanted side effects.

Wear non-slip shoes

Having a pair of non-slip sneakers is an important way to prevent falls. You should wear them around the house too!

Use a walker or cane

Using a walker or cane can help keep you steady and safe. There is no need to miss out on life events when a cane or walker can stabilize you.

Complete the Home Safety Checklist

This Home Safety Checklist will help you lower your risk of falling at home:

  • The kitchen items you use most often are easy to access (not on hard-to-reach shelves)
  • You have a night light so you can see when you wake up to go to the bathroom at night.
  • There is a lamp next to your bed.
  • Your staircase has a steady handrail.
  • The shower has a non-slip mat and handrails.
  • Your stairway is clear of books, boxes, and other items.
  • Your stairway is well lit.
  • Rugs in your home lie flat and have non-slip backing.

For more information about care or to learn how to become an ArchWell Health member, visit or give us a call at 314-449-9727.

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