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Aging Doesn’t Have to Mean Losing Control of Your Bladder

    • 六月 3, 2024
    • 整体健康
    • 5 分钟阅读

You may have heard that urine leaks are a normal part of aging, but that is not true. Unfortunately, bladder control issues can cause older adults to avoid their normal activities because they are uncomfortable, embarrassed, and nervous.

But lack of bladder control can be the result of common diseases like diabetes, a bladder infection, an enlarged prostate, or even your medication and bladder issues can often be addressed with your healthcare provider.

It’s time to talk to your primary care provider if you have urinary incontinence (loss of bladder control) or any signs of a bladder problem, such as:

  • Cloudy urine
  • Blood in the urine
  • Pain while urinating
  • Urinating eight or more times in one day
  • Passing only tiny amounts of urine after strong urges to urinate

Making simple lifestyle changes can help with some bladder problems. These include maintaining a nutritious diet, quitting smoking, and limiting drinks before bedtime.

Below are a few more tips on how to get back in control.

Controlling fluids

It is important that you drink plenty of fluids each day, but limiting when you drink fluids throughout the day can help with frequent urination. Avoid drinking a lot of fluids before starting an activity like grocery shopping or working out. Some drinks, like carbonated sodas, coffee, and alcohol can cause stress on the bladder.

Bladder training

A bladder training program may have you schedule bathroom breaks to increase the length of time you can go between trips to the bathroom. Bladder training usually involves keeping a diary and tracking things like what you eat and drink, when you urinate, and when you experience incontinence. Your doctor can help you start bladder training.

Pelvic floor exercises

When you have an issue with your pelvic floor muscles, it can impact the way your organ’s function, including your bladder. Pelvic flood exercises strengthen the muscles that control your bladder. Talk with your provider about how to do these exercises and how just five minutes a day could lead to better bladder control.

Talk with your doctor about medication

Some medications can be used in combination with bladder training, pelvic floor exercises, or other lifestyle changes to improve bladder control and prevent incontinence.

Healthy lifestyle choices

Maintaining a healthy weight and good nutrition is a good way to prevent and treat bladder problems. You should also eat plenty of fiber to avoid constipation-a common cause of bladder control issues. And make sure to avoid food or drink that you have found to be bad for your bladder control.

Your ArchWell Health provider can help you identify the reason for loss of bladder control and help you create a plan for success. Find out more about ArchWell Health’s primary care services for adults 60 and older by calling (866) 990-3324.

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